Proficiency, Always On Line
Reliability and expertise are the keys to optimal results, and Mountain Power Construction has been delivering just that to clients – for decades. Our experience spans substation projects from small rebuilds to large turnkey projects, at sizes up to 345KV. With capabilities that include line position additions, breaker position additions, upgrades, demolitions and new construction, there are no challenges we can’t solve. Well versed in dealing with remote locations as well as highly populated urban areas, each project we undertake is handled in a highly collaborative and flexible manner. And, we offer both design/build and turnkey approaches, depending on specific project parameters.
2017 D City Substation
- Added 100kV bay to accommodate a new double circuit 100kV transmission line.
- Improved communication reliability with a new 60 FT communications tower.
- A portable transformer unit was installed to tie circuits together and re-conductor 336 ACSR strain bus.
2017 A City Substation
- Updated 100kV bay to accommodate a new 100kV transmission feed.
- Re-conducted 336 ACSR strain bus between 100kV ABSW’s.
- Updated components on two 100kV transformer banks.
2017 L W Substation
- Rebuilt 69kV substation including three transformer banks with both a 4.16kV and 12.5kV distribution bay, four 50kV transmission feeds and one 69kV feed.
2017 M Street Substation
- Rebuilt 100kV transformer bay tied to a 100kV ring bus to feed a 12.5kV underground distribution system.
- Re-conducted sections of 100kV ring bus.
2017 E City Substation
- Rebuilt 69kV substation including one transformer bank with a circuit switcher to feed a redesigned 12.5kV distribution bay.
- A portable transformer unit was installed prior to the rebuild.
2017 E Auto Substation
- Added 161kV components including one interrupting PCB and a center side break ABSW to tie into an upgraded 69kV transmission feed.
- Improved communication reliability with a new 60 FT communications tower.
2016 Rosamond, California
- Built 350MW 230kV substation including six 230kV Transformers with four 34.5kV bays feeding each. 1590 Bundle strain bus and 230kV transmission interconnect to SCE transmission line.
2016 Lancaster, California
- Built 250MW 230kV substation including five 230kV Transformers with four 34.5kV bays feeding each. 1590acsr 230kV transmission interconnect to SCE transmission line which was 6 miles long and performed at night.
2016 Lancaster, California
- Built 150MW 69kV substation including six 230kV Transformers with four 34.5kV bays feeding each. 1590acsr 69kV transmission interconnect to SCE transmission line which was 2 miles long.